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I'm a life long book dork from a family full of readers.  When I was 12 (year 7)  I won a prize for reading the most amount of books in my entire school for that year - and I haven't stopped or slowed down in the - ahh let's just say 'few' years since.


Over the years my love of reading was joined by a love of writing and a fertile imagination.  First I came out as the GINGER READING NINJA BOOK BLOG -  sharing with the world books and authors I especially love and recently book events I've attended as a reader/blogger.  It's great fun to share my love of books with others.


Then in 2019 I finally woman'd up and decided to share my own words with readers.  I struggled with Destroying Laura, my first published book, I was terrified to put myself out there.  Writing has opened up a whole new world to me, one created by so many wonderful author friends who encourage and support myself and each other.


Since then the ideas have come thick and fast,  I have more stories in my head than I have time to put to paper...  but I'll get there in the end.


When I'm not dreaming of places and people that only exist in my mind,  I'm a nurse in outback Australia and struggling with borderline 'crazy cat lady' tendencies...  A few years ago I bought my cat a kitten for Christmas.

This site includes affiliate links because being an author isn't cheap.

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